
Ultrasonic range finder by Alexander

What the ultrasonic range finder does is it hits a object with sound and bounces back and shows how long it took. I like how it makes noises if you put it close to your ear. It took us a little bit of time to build the whole circuit. I like the new circuit we did because it plays music that you choose and the lights light up when the sound is loud. the speed of sound is always constant. Electricity is in our bodies. I get really bored sometimes when we are doing hard questions. colums are connected vertically and the positive and negative rows are connected horizontally . red row is connected to five volts and blue is connected to GND. we can connect other pins to these rows with jumpers.

we connect VCC into 5 volts and GND to GND and trig to pin 5 and echo to pin seven.

Range Finder Code

Sound Reactive Lights by Alexander

My favorite project was when we can turn are LED lighter and dimmer. I liked to turn the LED of and on. I like this camp but I am not very good at it but I like it because I like building circuit . I love making a lot of circuit . I have learned a lot but it is really hard. I have a lot of fun sometimes I get bored and don’t listen sometimes. now my favorite thing is when I played a song on my little speaker that would make my lights go on when it was loud the song I heard was revenge. I love my family because they help me with homework and they allow me to go to school. I love playing on my phone and my parents got my phone when I was 6.I have learned a lot from this class. I love that we can make fun things. I love all of these fun projects. I am not good at this but I hope I can get better.

LED Reactive to Sound code