What I learned about GPS And GIS

Mr. Schmitdkey came to lab today to explain to use what Global Positioning System and Geographic Information System. GPS uses cartesian data points or rectangular coordinate system and polar coordinate system. This then is relayed as vector coordinates which show 3 dimensional images of street, buildings, rivers, canyons and etc. This complex system of trignometric functions is done in satelittle system called Navstar. This system incorprates a atomic clock that records lattitude and longitude of different sections of earth.

Longitude is imaginary line that divides in the prime merdian which is located in Greenwich Observatory in England. Lattitude is imaginary line that runs down the equator. You can use a compass to see what angle you are standing at. Ancient Civilazations used the sky as a guide to where they were. they would look at north star as guide in north hemisphere and constellations in south hemisphere.

GIS is little bit more dynamic, you have to gather data on what it is your exploring; like if you are looking for hot spot some place where most of younger people go to hang out and have fun. Then you would gather data on on younger adults on there favorite place to hang out with there friends. Then that data would be layered on map to show concentration most frequented by teens.

GPS And GIS are both awesome, they make the world a little less confusing and a whole lot smaller.