Monday 9th – Lizz

Today I felt productive.  I got to make a calendar for the month of May.  Hurray for productivity!  On the other hand I also competely messed up Aundra’s computer while I was “helping” and he had to close everything and start over.  Sorry Aundra!  Perhaps I am more of a behind the scenes person.  It sounds like the next few weeks are going to be pretty exciting.  The Opti Portables will be here on Friday The Fab Lab students will get to interview us for video blogs.  Each of our subcommittees will get to meet for our documentary process.  I think we get to start brainstorming with the students about curricculum and design and marketing and finding out  their ideas, which I’m really looking forward to.  We certainly don’t want to design a room or create class ideas or make a marketing plan and have it be completely boring and useless.  Okay, there is pizza in the other room so I’m gonna sign off =)