• Posted On December 10, 2009
  • BY benjamin

Cellular Phone Structure Project

We are currently in the midst of creating a structure that will provide a disabled individual access to basic functions of a cellular phone. At the moment, we have created a base, upon which the cell phone will rest, and a curved structure, as to provide ...

Fab @ Home

For the past few weeks, the interns at the Heads On Fire Fab Lab in San Diego have been working on a three dimensional printer for use at home. We’re currently stuck due to the lack of certain components. So far, we have managed to build the base an...

Humanitarian Efforts

Today, while introducing a new intern to the basic concepts of the Fab Lab, we began to discuss various humanitarian efforts currently in effect; primarily the Hippo Roller, LifeVillage, wood burning stoves and the Fab Lab network’s own FabFi.

Summer Program

The summer program at the San Diego Heads On Fire Fab Lab has just begun. So far, we have all been required to create a personal project relating to you, a sort of “roadmap of your life”, if you will. Many students here have created something ...

Electronic’s Team DRAWDIO Circuit

Over the course of the past week, the electronic’s team has been working to create a DRAWDIO circuit. The DRAWDIO circuit is linked to a pencil and uses graphite as a conductor to create enough current to produce sound, depending on the pressure app...

Working With The Structure Team

Today, I assisted Jake with his public installation piece that involves lights that are activated by the passing of day. He is planning on using rocks that utilize sensors that respond to darkness. At the moment, we are attempting to create structures to ...

Summer Internship Reflection

Over the course of the past eight weeks, I have worked as a paid intern at the San Diego Heads on Fire Fab Lab where I have learned many skills that can be applied both personally and professionaly, such as soldering electrical components, GPS mapping and...

Public Installation Progress

The structure team’s public installation piece is nearing completion. At the moment, we are installing th LEDs and the last of the wooden pieces. The plan is to add a panel that would activate in response to human touch, thus causing the lights in t...

Printer Status

Well, I’ve developed a plan of action on how to repair the three-dimensional printer. It is as follows: 1: Contact Kenji and obtain an estimate on a new Xylotex board. 2: Send for a new one. 3: Program Xylotex board with 4-axis program. 4: Replace b...

Cell Phone Project

We are currently in the midst of creating a structure that will provide a disabled individual access to basic functions of a celluar phone. At the moment, we have created a base, upon which the cell phone will rest, and a curved structure, as to provide s...