Bryton Portfolio

Hi! My name is Bryton. I am in fifth grade. I am working on circuits.


Ultrasonic Range Finder

         Today, I made an Ultrasonic Range Finder. An Ultrasonic Range Finder is a circuit that  can find the range of an object up to 99.99 cm away. The ultrasonic Range Finder uses Ultrasonic sound that we can’t here. The Ultrasonic Range Finder  first takes an input from a Ultrasonic  sensor, which uses Ultrasonic sound waves to determine the distance. Next, the Arduino  calculates the distance. Finally the 7 segment display shows the distance. I like how the Ultrasonic Range Finder can find the distance of objects.

       Also, I learned that when things pass the sound of speed, they will create sonic booms. Things that past the speed barrier are : airplanes, the end of  a fly swapper, a human, and rockets. When objects past the sound barrier, they will make many booms. However it goes so fast, that you can only hear one boom.

My code

Sound Reactive Lights

     The Sound Reactive Lights will turn on all of the lights  if  the music is 3 times the average. If the music is a little bit higher that the average, half of the lights will turn on. If the music is lower that the average, all of the lights will turn off. The pulses from the computer will turn of the LEDs on or off.

My Code

What I Learned

     I learned that circuits can be like pumps, because they have many things in common. Circuits can do many things, like controlling robots, to playing chess with other people.