Collection of FabLabSD students blog posts

Learning stuff

Today I learned how to use libraries filled with examples for me to use on other programs. I downloaded a library that has a bunch of physics and interactive programs, and I switched the; (size, color, height, width…). Today is the last day of cc...

6th at fablab

The 6th day was vey interesting becuase we did alot of  suck as creating new porfolio we did personal info and we changed navigation bar. and i did my resume today because i wasn’t in class on wednesday.


Today at Fablab, I created my portfolio page, uploaded and image of me and updated my Personal statement  and a resume. The resumes included our interests and activities,  volunteer experience and computer expierence and what high school I will be ...

  • Posted On August 5, 2011
  • BY Ahmed


I learned about a new plugin called slideshow I installed it and I uploded pictures and it looked great. I also wrote about my personal satement like what I want to be and what I learned at FABLAB and what I am volunteering to.  I learned how to add ...

My 4th day

Today I fixed my resume and I wrote personal statment and i created profilo page and I insert my information in it . I also made my resume as link so every one can cheak it out.

Frieday, August 05,2011

Today at fablab I learned how to add files to my page. Today i wrote a new resume, and information about my self. I created a new portfolio page and I wrote my personal information on it. I learned how to change my navigation bar.

  • Posted On August 6, 2011
  • BY Lilly

Pac-Women’s Walk Against Breast Cancer Lilly G. here blogging from UCSD Extension: Intro to Creative Computing 2011. According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), about 39,520 deaths from breast cancer among women as of 6/20/2011. Breast canc...

Junkbot 2

Hey, during the weekend me and my cousin Ryan finished my Junkbot that I was trying to make in the DIY robotics class. It turned out pretty good. It is basically a brush bot but it’s a better design; it has two orange wires as antennas (answer me if...

  • Posted On October 22, 2011
  • BY Alan

Personal Project

At the beginning, I was making a flower. A flower represents my personality. Every petal shows my development that will never stop, always advancing progressively. However, when I started to work on the flower, it transformed into a new specimen, a pineap...

Day 3: Junkbot

The majority of our day today was spent going through piles of junk and turning it into sculptures or robots.  I made a robot that spun around incredibly fast, with LEDs to draw circles in midair.  The original idea had plans for 2 arms protrud...

Day 3:building junk bots

Today I built a junk bot. Mine is just an art piece. It was hard getting the right pieces to actually make it do anything. After awhile of trial and error I figured out that I could stick the robot’s feet(the ink cartridges)could stick on the thing ...

Non stop Nyan Dog (the 3rd)

———-Today we assembled a junk bot with junk like nails, LED screens, and other things like that. I made the eyes, catapulting items and got the materials, Sam made the catapult and body, and Alec made the head. Our robot does nothing mor...


We built a junkbot on the 20th of July. A junk bot is made out of just a bunch of parts but doesn’t have to move, it is pretty much just modern robot art. I made a little robot frog, it is hopefully going to be able to vibrate when I  attach a mic...

last day arduino arm

I made an arduino arm that u connected a pencil to. you could connect it to a computer and by putting in the right code you could make it draw.At first the structure was made of cardbord and it couldnt hold the servo motors, so we replaced it with sheet m...

Making a Robot

We worked on making a robot. We  wired an adruino board to several servos in order to run makeshift wheels. The servos had to have their stoppers removed, and the wheels were made from Skippy bottles. We made the frame from a pasltic component

Pac-man Ghost in Wearables

Today we did this project where had to attach LED lights to cloth that we cut from ragged clothes, the teacher, Ms.Fabiola, got for us from the goodwill. We used coincell batteries, conductive thread, and sewing tools to make it all stay together. The co...

Pacman (Wareable Electronics)

We did this project since the first day of wareable electronics class. We use LED lights, a needle, Thread, Conductive thread, a battery, and a pair of thrift clothes that we cut. I did mine on pacman from the old game because it was different. The easie...

Intro to Graphic Design

So far in this class I have learned about elements of design and principles of design and how to use these things with visual grammar and balance and make something look smooth.  I also learned about positive and negative space and background and foregro...

Nick’s Final Portfolio

       I have already 3D printed a spider putter, and added halo monsters to a previous design. Another structure I have designed was a Sea Monster.  I have laser cut the platform for the ramp, However we had to reprint multiple prototypes because of...

Charles Howard blog

So it’s Friday and stuff! I finally finished everything but I am super tired because I had to watch my dog last night. I have a stubbed toe but it doesn’t hurt that much. Actually it hurts like crazy. I slept in and was almost late to 3D print...