Mandy Lee

Hi, my name is Mandy Lee and I am going to 8th grade. We are building  circuits and working on Arduino . I learned to calculate current, voltage and resistance by using Ohm’s law. The  first circuits we built by using the battery , jumpers, and resistor to light up the LED on the bread board. The circuit is similar to the movers in the water system. The pump is  the battery that gives out the energy, the small pipe is  the resistor that stops some energy from flowing, the pipe is also the jumper that let it flow from one place to another.

Ultrasonic Sensor is a tool to calculate the distance between the object and the sensor,it  sends pulse to the object then it bounce back to the sensor. The equation that Ultrasonic sensor use to calculate the distance is cm= duration/29/2;. The distance from the sensor and another sensor need to divide by two because we are only finding the distance between the object and the sensor instead of the distance of the whole trip. I like how it can calculate the distance by its own and it is really convenient.

I learned to built a circuit that connects with the speaker and it plays sound with the music from the computer. We also built a circuit that let six LEDs to flash and dance along with the music on two mini bread board. Every LED needs a jumper that connect to a pin and a resistor that stops some current from flowing.