Michael Li Portfolio

My name is Michael, and I’m in 8th grade and the project currently is circuits and the flow of electricity using water as a analogy. Using Arduino, we created a ultrasonic range finder and created a cardboard box to house the board and circuit. Also used batteries instead of usb to power the circuit. Most recently, we created a speaker that that has sound reactive lights that turn on when their is sound and are brighter when the music is louder. At the end of this class I think that I learned a lot and had a lot of hands on experience in the subject of electronics and circuits.







The project in the second class is 3d printing, designing using programs using 2d and converting it to 3d. In this class fake business identities were used as an example of advertisement design creativity. Created vinyl stickers and designed them and made them easily cuttable. Also created laser cuttable objects that will be cut and and burned into a design before being used. Using programs like sketchup, tinker cad, and AI to make 3d and 2d designs. Using tinker cad, I created a highly detailed 3d model of the Colosseum. A the end of this class I think that I learned a lot and had experience in 3d modeling and industrial design.

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My progress through the use of tinker-cad evolved from basic shapes  to complex objects. The way of modeling by grouping objects together allowed practice with and experience with using multiple complex technicues to create more objects.  My first desing created was the object at the bottom right to the one on the top left  until the Colosseum the most complex object I’ve created.

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When I decided to create the Roman Colosseum in Italy, I had to base my model off floor planes and google maps street veiw. I had to manualy create every arch and on the inside and the out side. Then I copied all the arches location on the first floor and and pasted it on all the other floors. Interestingly at the end I probaly had created accualy more arches then the accual Colosseum.

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My Progress through illustrator started from the bottom right of a simple group of shapes to adding color all the way to creating and outlining complex designs. I began with creating objects simply from shapes and piecing them together to createing outlines of a puffin and grided circular glasses.

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My favorite project was the first project because the designs that I created and made were my favorite and I liked how it looked at the end. The color and designs seemed to work/blend with each other and the design on the top right is a custom design that I created with spirals and bent lines. It felt interesting to be the owner of a simulation company.