Cell phone project

last thursday our group of interns presented the cell phone holder to a lady name Pam. Pam has. is a disease that unable pam to limit the use of her arms, she cannot use her legs, she is only able to use her head to move her electric wheel chair. Pam’s wheel chair is modify with a bar that is bent in front of her so she can reach the knob for her wheel chair.

Pam wanted us to make something that can be placed on the bar of her wheel chair so she can reach with her mouth and us the cell phone. We made a triangular shape piece with half circle shape on the back of the triangular piece so it then we put a hoes clamp so it would be attach to the bar and stay firm.

We put a velcro on the back of her cell phone and in front of the triangular piece so that it would stick stick together and not fall off the triangular piece