Final LED shirt

In this project, I got a black shirt, thanks to Blas, and simply made a messy look from the use of fabric paint. I decided to take the colors red, baby blue, gold, dark blue, and light green to make a this look, but it accidentally came out looking like a hippy shirt.

Technically, the led lights and that bee-looking path was sewn completely by Niroth, but I began the first part. Well, we just took down the first part that I started with because wanted to give me a suggestion, but rather it turned into an actual implementation into the result of my project.

There’s not much meaning to this project, but to make a messy abstract look. The stitching really impacted how my project came out. The stitching is actually a heart, but you can’t really see it in this image. Overall, I think this was an expreimental project, however, I learned to put led lights on a shirt, which made this process all the more rewarding.