UC San Diego Fab Lab trip

Today we went to the Fab Lab at calit2 in San Diego at UCSD. When we started the tour they showed us some of their fancy graphics equipment, like their 4k projector (thats 4x better resolution then your HD t.v.). Then they showed us their three dimensional television that didn’t require glasses, unfortunatly there was no sound. Then they brought us into this little room called the cave that had the protien hemogoblin projected onto the walls surrounding us that was 3d (this one required glasses though). We used a laser to move around the protien and to move in and out of the protien. It was really interesting getting “wacked” by the hemogoblin protien. They also showed us their giant “t.v” which was a collection of monitors to form a giant screen with 8 computers running it. They showed us pictures, boasted about the abilities, and showed us rock climbers climbing in Yosemite. Finaly we went to the Fab Lab wchich was a small room with many complex machines, like the 3d printer. Too bad we didnt get to use any of  the fancy equipment, but they did show us some of the results and products that came out of the machine, like the plastic wrench that really worked. Afterwards we took a tour around the campus of UCSD, and we took a look at their massive super computer and other interesting technologies.