Nick’s Final Portfolio

       I have already 3D printed a spider putter, and added halo monsters to a previous design. Another structure I have designed was a Sea Monster.  I have laser cut the platform for the ramp, However we had to reprint multiple prototypes because of design/measurement errors. We had errors with our ramp prototypes because of it being a 1/8 of an inch and 1/6 of an inch to thick. This got a little frustrating at some points!  For my personal project so far I have 3D printed the Spider Putter, it turned out sweet!  The machines I have used for the structures were the 3D printer for 3D modeling, and a Laser Cutter for vinyl and acrylic. All of these things that we’ve designed with these machines are and were computer numerically controlled. They all are also CNC machines (computer numerically controlled) like the Laser Cutter and the Vinyl Cutter. The Vector Machine uses a 2D design strategy called Vectors, they can generate tool paths that can control the machine through codes!  I used a couple of these design softwares. I have used Inkscape, 123dMake, and Tinkercad for these designs.  The most challenging thing so far on the project was by far designing are parts in one structure for the Rube Goldberg Machine.  The experience of working in a team was good because you got to have many opinions on what to design and what to 3D print or Laser Cut.  Are greatest success so far was definitely printing the Spider Putter without anything wrong with it. It was a HUGE success! As i said, I designed the ramp for the Rude Goldberg machine at a very steady pace, but I got it done! As we used the softwares we mostly just used Inkscape to design and laser cut our ramp and string runner with cups. There was no easy part of this quest for greatness, but I can tell you there were TONS of hard parts. The ramp was hard because we had to print it more than 3 times to get it right. And, the string runner was hard to build because you had to get them exactly right. Thank for listening to how we had to work as a team and build the Impossible!