Electronics & Solar / SoutEastSD Youth Summer Program @MetroCenter UCSD Extension K-12 College Exploration Summer 2011

making they drawdio

we finshed making the drawdioand it was fun to make it and to her it . and i fixed some proplem befroe it work . we fixed that  they are not teaching . And i made a  light with the drawdio


today learned about the circiuts and how they work and i made a drawdio which its a speaker that picks up sound currencys and it make a hi pitch noise and its works with graphite and when u draw it makes different noises and tht was interesting

6th at fablab

The 6th day was vey interesting becuase we did alot of  suck as creating new porfolio we did personal info and we changed navigation bar. and i did my resume today because i wasn’t in class on wednesday. http://fablabsd.org/portfolio/


Today at Fablab, I created my portfolio page, uploaded and image of me and updated my Personal statement  and a resume. The resumes included our interests and activities,  volunteer experience and computer expierence and what high school I will be ...

  • Posted On August 5, 2011
  • BY Ahmed


I learned about a new plugin called slideshow I installed it and I uploded pictures and it looked great. I also wrote about my personal satement like what I want to be and what I learned at FABLAB and what I am volunteering to.  I learned how to add ...

My 4th day

Today I fixed my resume and I wrote personal statment and i created profilo page and I insert my information in it . I also made my resume as link so every one can cheak it out.

Frieday, August 05,2011

Today at fablab I learned how to add files to my page. Today i wrote a new resume, and information about my self. I created a new portfolio page and I wrote my personal information on it. I learned how to change my navigation bar.