Flying Ball

Today was fun! We learned how to move a ball around the screen. We were even taught how to make it collide with the sides! We also learned how to interact with the keyboard and move objects with our mouse.

Creative Computing

Today we learned how to download images and put them in our programs. We also learned how to rotate them, translate them(which means changing their positions), and scale them. We also learned a little bit about functions. We learned about fonts as well. I...

Creative Computing

Today in class we learned some fun things! One of these things was how to make random things (or make things random). I got to make some circles randomly change size and move around. I ended up making some programs that could make some people throw up. Lu...

Creative Computing

Today was extremley fun! We got to move circles back and forth on the screen. It was quite hard to bounce it back to the left when it reached the right side of the screen. But it didn’t compare to the difficulty of trying to get it to bounce back to...

Creative Computing

Today was cool. We went on a field trip to MakerPlace. MakerPlace is a place where you can go and use woodworking and metalworking tools to make whatever you like! We saw some CNC wood cutters. We also saw a really cool cutting laser. We watched some card...

Creative Computing

Today was pretty fun. I started working on my final project which will be a cool little shooting game. I will make squares with targets on them pop up and then when you click on them there will be a gunshot and then it will break. I think it will be quite...

Wearable Electronics

Today was quite fun,  we started working on our final project today. I am making a rock paper scissors playing glove. You will be able to play rock paper scissors against a program I am going to write. I’m using 2 bend sensors to detect whether you...